Pixl-Pop Birthday and Launch Update

A Birthday + Social Value

Monster Cadet
3 min readMar 14, 2022
One POP to start it all.

Conceived from my love of film, comics, books, television, and countless hours spent playing some amazing pixel-graphic games on my Atari, NES, and SNES, I couldn’t resist mashing it all together. Now The first anniversary of Pixl-Pops is rapidly approaching. On April 8th, 2021, the first Man of Steel Pixl-Pop was minted and sold for 2 WAX. We are three seasons in and coming into the fourth, and I can’t express how grateful I am for the continued interest.

Getting the Insta back on track after a lengthy shadowban for who knows what 🤷‍♂️

I put a lot of thought into making this Project viable for you, the collector. It’s a challenge considering the volatility and speed of the crypto sphere’s evolution. A project is only as strong as its community. Both community size and interaction matter considerably. With this in mind, I’ve been slowly trying to grow Pixl-Pop’s social value. After an unexplained shadow-ban of my Instagram Pixl-Pop account lifted recently (@pixlpops), posts are gaining traction again, and followers increased from 1930 to 2022 in less than a week!

Twitter’s @monstercadet account is sitting at 950 and growing. Much slower than Instagram but growing nonetheless. These numbers are tiny compared to other projects I’ve seen, but it’s a good start. Every eyeball counts. I could use the Pixl-Army’s help in the social arena. If you’re a collector who digs this Project, help spread the word and the social accounts. An increase in enthusiastic collectors increases the value of the Project and your collections.

Twitter: @monstercadet
Instagram: @pixlpops and @monstercadet

Launch Imminent

Some new sets are right around the corner, and I thought I’d address some questions:

One-of-a-kind Pixl-Portraits!
  1. As of now, releases will trickle out weekly. There are no plans for packs yet. I like the idea of getting back to the original single-release format.
    Aside from the standard POPs, I’ll be releasing these one-of-a-kind collectible portraits. Like most collections in this vein, each picture will be unique, and holding them will grant exclusive rewards. I haven’t decided on a final collective quantity, but releases will count in series of either 50–100 at a time.
  2. Anyone who follows Pulp Friction or Pixl-Pops knows I’m all for scarcity. This season will reflect that. Originally higher counts were between 100–150. Moving forward, they will likely be around 75–85 Max. Possibly lower depending on demand.
  3. With this next set, I’m doing away with rarities. With fewer cards available, I feel the concept is redundant. This change evolves the Project from feeling like a trading card collection to something unique. In the long run, this should add more value to every card.
  4. There is a chance I might push the launch out one more week to give me a little more runway for promoting the Project. I’m a one-person band, so juggling all the elements gets challenging, which is why I’m moving towards single releases. It makes the Project more manageable and frees up valuable time I’ve taken from spending with family and loved ones.
  5. With the new set, rewards will continue with backed cards, unique NFTs, and even real-life items
    That’s it for now. I’m Looking forward to the following big announcement! I hope you are too.

See the complete Pixl-Pop collection: pixl-pops.com

Follow Monster Cadet:
Twitter: @monstercadet

Other MonsterCadet Projects: Pulp Friction

Season 1 cards, 2 & 3 sold out cards available on: Atomic Marketplace



Monster Cadet

Monster Cadet: Artist and NFT creator. @monstercadet (Twitter + Instagram) PixlPopHeros and PulpFriction collections on the AtomicHub.